Having discovered the disaster excuse for avoiding unpleasant events, when a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico provided cover for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney's RNC vanishing act, McCain's at it again.
From the day McCain announced Sarah Palin's place on the ticket, to the last day of the "lipstick on a pig" debate, the red line was increasing, and the blue line was slumping. Then, suddenly, Wall Street started to sink beneath the alligators in Manhattan's sewers. We forgot about the sideshows, and started talking about a real live national issue, and the trend line took a sharp turn back to blue.

John McCain looked ahead in the schedule, and saw a debate on the horizon. Recognizing that a debate would likely focus on issues, and any discussion of issues makes the little red line on the chart head south, he is now attempting to use the "hurricane ate my homework" excuse to avoid the whole thing.
Come to think about it, the mere act of campaigning has been problematic for the McCain campaign. If you go out among the people and campaign, and the act of campaigning depresses your polling numbers, suspending all campaigning would seem to be an excellent strategy.
But why stop there? Why just suspend the campaign? We could suspend the election, too. I mean, if the Republicans want four more years just like the last eight years, suspending the entire political process is just the ticket.

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